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The blog (and general ramblings) of a freelance web designer


Top tips for agencies looking to outsource

Many PR, Marketing and Advertising agencies won’t have web design or development resources in house. They might have a designer who knows their way around Photoshop (bad idea, by the way, to design sites in Photoshop!) – but on the whole, they don’t tend to have experts in UX (User Experience), UI (User Interface), nor […]

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Thinking of Hiring a Local Freelance Web Designer?

Are you wondering if it’s time to hire a freelance web designer? You might be thinking about hiring one for many reasons. Maybe your site is looking outdated, or not performing well in search results. Or maybe you just don’t know what to do with the design of your site. Whatever the reason, there are […]

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Restaurants: How do you come out of the pandemic stronger?

I was speaking to a friend of mine who runs a restaurant. We discussed a lot over a virtual glass of whisky (via Google Meet) and we talked about how the restaurant industry has embarked on a major digital shift. Those who’ll endure the pandemic and come out stronger need a website that handles this […]

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6 Ways to be a more productive freelance web designer

We could all do with being a bit more productive, right? We go on Awwwards for some inspiration and 2 hours later we’re playing on Pottermore. Or we hit up Slack for some knowledge, and the next thing you’re 200 messages deep about that cat video on YouTube. But there are some things we can […]

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10 Point Website Launch Checklist

It’s 2018, and this year is already flying by. You might be a fellow web designer or web developer – or you may be someone looking to launch a website yourself. Either way, I’ve compiled a list of essential pre-launch tasks you really should undertake.

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Learning to code Swift

The future holds a lot of Augmented Reality, as realised in the recent F8 keynote. And having a solid grasp of languages like Swift will allow me to work on things like this almost immediately.

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Charity Friday – Birdsong London

I’m delighted to be working with Birdsong London today. Birdsong finds the best female makers and brings them to you, no sweatshops, no photoshop.

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My new office setup

I’ve just got my new MacBook Pro, along with my new HD Vertical screen and it’s improved my workflow no end. The ability to have masses of code all in one huge list is making life infinitely easier. I’d highly recommend a vertical screen for anyone who is serious about coding.

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Web Design is about conversions. Not looking pretty.

I see it all too often. Design for the sake of pretty design. Now, don’t get me wrong, a site should look great – there is no question about that. But what it shouldn’t ever do is put design above your core goal.

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So you think being a freelance web designer is easy?

Well, it isn’t! I speak to so many young people looking to forge a career as a freelance web designer or developer and they underestimate just how much time and effort goes into making a solid business.

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5 WordPress tips I’ve picked up

I’ve been working with WordPress for as long as I can remember (well, not technically, but you get what I mean). There are loads of things I’ve picked up along the way, that seem like second nature to me – but I’ve realised that some of my fellow developers don’t know all of these little […]

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How to speed up your WordPress website

Everyone wants a fast website. Users appreciate a quick load time, and search engines love it even more. So if you want a decent ranking, then you’d better have a fast site. There are lots of things to consider when improving your site speed, here are a list of some of things to help you […]

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