Website Redesign – I’ve got a new site for the first time in years!

Website Redesign – I’ve got a new site for the first time in years!

Written on: 07/07/2023

Things change. That is the nature of things. They change. They evolve. They move on. And in the digital sector, this has never been more true. In my industry, where the rapid pace of change is constant and inevitable. I, a freelance web developer, found myself at this crossroads after maintaining my website largely unchanged for about seven years. However, as my skills and areas of expertise evolved, I realised that my website needed a significant overhaul to better reflect my journey and current offerings. It was time for a website redesign.

Out with the Old, In with the New

Every web professional understands the importance of effective branding. For me, this meant saying goodbye to my cartoon ninja mascot – a visual element that had been a part of my digital identity for years. Although this decision was made with a tinge of nostalgia, it was a necessary step towards aligning my website with the matured, refined direction my career had taken.

Simultaneously, a complete redesign was in order, not only aesthetically but also in functionality. The colour scheme and font combinations underwent a significant transformation to create a more modern, sleek, and professional feel.

Shifting Roles: From Hybrid to Specialist

My professional evolution played a significant role in these changes. Over the years, I moved from a hybrid role, balancing between web design and web development, to focusing more on development. This shift towards specialisation was a crucial factor that drove the need to revamp my website. It was no longer merely about design offerings but more about presenting myself as a developer with a nuanced understanding of the web ecosystem and a knack for building intuitive, robust digital platforms.

Lessons Learnt: SEO Juice, Speed, and Broken Links

The process of revamping a website is full of learning experiences. One crucial lesson is understanding the importance of preserving your hard-earned SEO positioning. Transitioning to a new website without losing SEO rankings can seem daunting, but with careful planning, it’s achievable.

Ensuring the new website is optimised for speed is also critical. Today’s digital audiences are impatient – if your website doesn’t load quickly, you risk losing potential clients. Remember, speed is not just about user experience; it’s also a significant factor in Google’s ranking algorithm.

Finally, watch out for those pesky 404 errors and missing pages. A significant site redesign can often leave loose ends in the form of broken links or old, non-existing pages. Make sure to implement appropriate 301 redirects and carefully check all internal and external links to keep your user experience smooth and your SEO intact.

Website Redesign: Was it a Stressful Experience?

Embarking on a complete website overhaul is, undeniably, a significant endeavour. Yes, it can be stressful, especially when the website in question is more than just a platform; it’s a personal and professional representation of your skills, services, and journey. With so much at stake, feeling a certain degree of stress is only natural.

The pressure to maintain SEO rankings, the meticulous process of checking and rechecking for 404 errors, the striving for optimal load speed – each of these tasks was a challenge in its own right. And as a developer, I was conscious that every single detail could make the difference between a successful relaunch or an underwhelming user experience.

However, as with many other challenges in life, I found that the stress of this process can also serve as a catalyst for growth. The meticulous attention to detail honed my skills, and each hurdle overcome gave me newfound confidence in my problem-solving abilities. Moreover, the process reaffirmed my belief that website design and development is not a one-and-done activity but a continuous journey of improvement.

Ultimately, the stress associated with launching a new website is, in many ways, a mirror of the broader challenges we face as web professionals. While it can be daunting, it also pushes us to grow, adapt, and continue delivering top-notch services to our clients. So yes, it was stressful, but it was a stress that fuelled growth, improvement, and, most importantly, success.


Revamping a website can be a challenging task, especially when it represents a significant professional evolution. However, the rewards – a site that better reflects your current skills, improved SEO, faster load times, and a more coherent user experience – make the effort worthwhile. As a freelance web developer who has walked this path, I can vouch for the exciting opportunities that come with the decision to change, grow, and evolve.

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