Steps to Take Before Hiring a Freelance Web Designer

Steps to Take Before Hiring a Freelance Web Designer

Written on: 20/09/2023

Engaging with a freelance web designer or developer is an exciting yet challenging endeavour for any business. The perfect website can serve as a powerful digital footprint, ushering in opportunities and growth. However, to transform this vision into reality requires thorough preparation. In this extensive guide, we’ll uncover the pivotal steps a business should undertake before collaborating with a freelance designer or developer.

1. References of Sites You Love

Before meeting your designer, it’s beneficial to have a clear vision of what you want. One of the best ways to do this is by gathering references from websites you admire. Not only does this give your designer a concrete idea of your preferences, but it can also speed up the design process.

When selecting references:

  • Look for Specific Features: Whether it’s a unique navigation menu, an engaging homepage carousel, or a particular layout, pinpoint the features that captivate you.
  • Competitor Sites: Scour the web for your competitors. Understand what works in their designs and what doesn’t. While you shouldn’t copy, it’s wise to be informed.
  • Annotation is Key: Simply showing your designer a site isn’t enough. Highlight specific sections or features you find appealing to provide clarity.

2. Rough Idea of Site Structure

Understanding the potential structure of your website is a monumental step. While designers bring a wealth of knowledge about user experience and optimal flow, providing a rough idea can streamline the initial stages of the design.

Consider the following:

  • Essential Pages: What are the must-have pages for your site? Think Home, About, Services, Blog, Contact, and so forth.
  • Additional Features: Will your site host a blog? Do you require e-commerce capabilities? Make a list of necessary features.
  • User Flow: Contemplate the journey you want your visitors to take. From the landing page to the final call-to-action, map out a basic user pathway.

3. Collate Content and Images

Your website’s content and visuals are its lifeblood. They communicate your brand’s story, values, and offerings. Preparing this in advance can significantly expedite the development process. If content creation isn’t your forte, be ready to delegate this to the designer or a professional copywriter.


  • High-Quality Images: Whether product photos or team portraits, ensure you have high-resolution images ready. If not, consider stock photos or professional photography.
  • SEO Optimised Content: While compelling storytelling is crucial, optimising your content for search engines is equally vital. It ensures your audience finds you amidst the vast digital expanse.
  • Consistent Branding: From your logo to your colour palette, ensure all branding elements are available and consistent across all mediums.

4. Determine Your Website’s Goals

What’s the purpose of your website? This isn’t just a philosophical question. Whether you aim to increase product sales, capture leads, or merely provide information, your website’s goals should be crystal clear from the outset.

Points to ponder:

  • Lead Generation: If your goal is to capture leads, ensure you have compelling CTAs and possibly a lead magnet.
  • Sales & Conversion: If e-commerce is your game, focus on seamless navigation, an intuitive checkout process, and secure payment gateways.
  • Informational: Perhaps your site aims to educate or provide information. In this case, content quality, accessibility, and user experience take precedence.

Additional Considerations

While the aforementioned steps are foundational, several supplementary considerations can enhance the collaboration with your designer:

Responsive Design

In an era where mobile browsing often surpasses desktop, ensuring your website is responsive across all devices is paramount. Highlight this requirement to your designer if they don’t bring it up first.

SEO Best Practices

Having a stunning website is futile if it doesn’t rank on search engines. Discuss SEO strategies with your designer or consider hiring an SEO expert to ensure your site is visible to your target audience.

Budget & Timeline

Be transparent about your budgetary constraints and desired timelines. This not only sets clear expectations but allows your designer to tailor solutions fitting your budget and schedule.

In conclusion, a successful collaboration with a freelance web designer or developer hinges on meticulous preparation. By understanding and collating your requirements, preferences, and goals, you pave the way for a fruitful partnership and a website that truly resonates with your brand’s ethos and objectives.

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