If you think a good website is expensive, you should see the cost for a bad website.

If you think a good website is expensive, you should see the cost for a bad website.

Written on: 08/12/2021

Is there anything wrong with my website? Is it just a little out of date, or does it lack essential features? Is my company’s website costing me money, and if so how much?

You’ve had that in the back of your mind for some time now, it started as a niggle and eventually became a fully fledged annoyance. Now that you’re thinking about having a website redesign, you’re not sure if it’s worth it.

The longer you keep a terrible website, the more clients and money you’re losing. In today’s economy, the brand that attracts the most customers and dominates search results wins. Those sorts of outcomes take time to produce, and every month that passes, your business may fall farther behind.

Why aren’t you making your website a priority?

As a company, you are undoubtedly well aware of the importance of having a great website. You might even be aware that a website’s design is crucial to its overall success, but you may not prioritise it. There are loads of reasons why businesses fail to invest their time and money into great web design.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they can handle a website on their own, even if they do not have the necessary knowledge or basic understanding.

There are various reasons why individuals may not have the resources to invest in their website’s design. Finally, many people do not realise that their website’s appearance is a key element in retaining their industry leadership position.

Signs you have a bad website design

Overuse or Underuse of Animation: Animations, when done correctly, may create a more polished appearance on your website. On the other hand, if too many are employed or huge files are utilised, it’s possible that animations will cause difficulties. These include making it difficult for searchers to locate what they’re looking for, lowering page speeds, and overwhelming the typical browser.

Too much going on: Professional websites are typically clean and elegant. A value statement, a picture, and a call to action are usually the only components. If your website is too crowded, it appears less trustworthy and professional. There should be plenty of white space on your site. Simplicity is actually more appealing than a cluttered website.

Low Usability: Clients and users should be able to visit your website and discover relevant details, as well as finding that it is simple to navigate. If you have a difficult-to-use website, people will quickly abandon it.

Poor quality content: Your website should offer information that is relevant, of good quality, and optimised for search engines. If you don’t have any content on your site, you’ll quickly notice a drop in conversions. Content is the linchpin of establishing your trustworthiness and rising to the top in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Not designed Mobile First: Another sign of bad web design is that the site is not mobile-friendly. The majority of people go online with a smartphone. If your website isn’t suited to those devices, it won’t display correctly and you’ll lose a client.

So what do you do now?

If you think your website is under-performing, or falls foul to any of these points, then it is time to speak to a professional. I can help with your new website project, as a web designer with more years experience than I care to remember (when I first became a web designer, I was a few stone lighter, I didn’t have 2 kids and 1 on the way, I wasn’t married and my weekends consisted of golf and beer… not Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig!) – so I have a wealth of experience to draw upon.

It may appear to be a difficult task to create a website. This is especially true now that you know what causes poor design. Simply stated, it all comes down to a few features. Planning, Content, Design and Deployment. Just give me a shout. I can help!

Let's work together on your project.

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