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The blog (and general ramblings) of a freelance web designer


WordPress Blocks and Their Customisability (is that even a word?!)

In the evolution of website design, few innovations have been as impactful as the introduction of WordPress Blocks. Before the Gutenberg editor’s advent in WordPress 5.0, customising layouts and content in WordPress demanded a mix of shortcodes, custom post types, and a variety of other tools. Today, WordPress Blocks have not only transformed the user […]

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In part one, I discussed the need for a great host. A VPS or dedicated hosting of some kind will usually give you a much quicker connection and help to bring your page speed score right up. My recommendation is to go with cloud hosting from somebody like Nimbus Hosting – they are the company […]

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Quick Tip – Infinite WordPress Next/Previous Buttons

I recently found myself needing to create an infinite loop of posts. So once you’re reading a blog article, you can click to the next one. But what happens when there aren’t any more to read? Well, the client wanted it to go back to the first post. So, I wrote this little gem. Feel free to use:

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Print Styles? Inspect Element, duh!

Did you know you could emulate print styles using Inspect Element? No? Me either!

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Quick Tip: Pre Get Posts

On many occasions, I find the need to create a custom post type, and on top of that, I don’t just want to display 10 posts in the archive. So, with a bit of ‘pre get posts’ magic, we can set the number of posts to display, just like you would with a normal WP […]

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5 WordPress tips I’ve picked up

I’ve been working with WordPress for as long as I can remember (well, not technically, but you get what I mean). There are loads of things I’ve picked up along the way, that seem like second nature to me – but I’ve realised that some of my fellow developers don’t know all of these little […]

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How to speed up your WordPress website

Everyone wants a fast website. Users appreciate a quick load time, and search engines love it even more. So if you want a decent ranking, then you’d better have a fast site. There are lots of things to consider when improving your site speed, here are a list of some of things to help you […]

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